Tag Archives: congradulations i’m sorry

Gin Blossoms – Congradulations… I’m Sorry

21 May

The Gin Blossoms were a jangle pop band that had a very successful breakthrough album, New Miserable Experience with highly successful singles like “Hey Jealousy” and “Found Out About You” that are still played on the radio today. After a very successful album, the Gin Blossoms went back into the studio to try and churn out another hit album.

While this album gained platinum status and had the hit single “Follow You Down”, this album doesn’t have as much of a punch as the previous. There are a handful of solid tracks on this album, but it feels like there is only a handful of great songs mixed together with a bunch of filler tracks. The first half of the album was pretty good, but the second half was a bit lackluster and felt like they sort of half-assed it so they could have enough tracks to make a full album instead of a solid EP.

This album also doesn’t feel like much of a progression from the previous album either. Instead of building up on their sound that they progressed between their first and second album, this feels like they were trying to play safe with the sound they established on New Miserable Experience and not go a bit farther with their sound, or try something new.

Grungie’s Rating: 3/5